We provide more than data

Expertise and Technology

At experteye, we all have car manufacturers or leasing companies backgrounds, so we know how to run meaningful and pragmatic analysis and surveys. Our proposition is not to only provide data, but also to provide insights. We have built an agile team of developers who react quickly, adapt solutions to your needs and are highly committed and reliable. Our latest developments involve big data, artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms to provide an unmatched solution to enhance the way car manufacturers and leasing companies can determine their pricing.

About us

Created in 2002, experteye was the brainchild of two industry experts, David Truempler and Rick Yarrow. The company is based in Zurich, Switzerland.

The vision was to provide real time, expert and impartial advice to car manufacturers, leasing providers and fleet operators. Experteye then diversified into market research and integrated activities related to customer satisfaction surveys. In 2018, experteye Consulting was created in association with Laurent Queinec with the objective to provide in depth programs for car manufacturers to enhance residual values and BtoB operations. Since then, the company is eager to gather the best industry experts and to focus on high end datamining and price modeling technologies.

Zurich, Switzerland experteye

Our products


Most advanced monthly payment benchmark solution.

Discount Tracker

Smartest way to benchmark new car discounts.

Mystery Shopping

Industry insights through remote or physical investigations.


Exclusive expertise on Residual Value, TCO, Used Car and Fleet Strategy.

Contact us for a demo.